2023 Lackadaisy Community Survey

Via our lovely Community Manager, Newt

Dear Lackadaisy Community,

Your voice matters, and we want to hear it! We’re excited to announce the 2023 Lackadaisy Community Demographics Survey, designed to help us better understand our vibrant community. Your input will directly influence our brand trajectory, language localization efforts, merchandise releases, media release times, Livestream schedules, and more.

“But wait!?” You might ask. “Wasn’t there a survey in February?”

Yes! And you may remember in March we released an unexpectedly popular pilot episode which grew the fandom 10 FOLD. So now that data is useless, hahaha.

Take the Survey Now

Rest assured, your participation is entirely anonymous. We value your privacy and will use this information solely for improving our community experience. So, whether you’re a long-time Lackadaisy fan or just joining us, your insights are crucial in shaping our future endeavors.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard and be a part of the Lackadaisy journey! Help us continue to create content and experiences you’ll love.

Thank you all for being an essential part of Lackadaisy. We can’t wait to see what exciting developments this survey will bring. Stay tuned for more updates!

Sincerely, The Lackadaisy Team