Devlog of Unusual Size
[A note from Clint the PA: First, let me apologize. I was feeling a little under the weather last week and we decided not to update. Entirely my fault. I am fine now. But you know, got to be extra careful these days (wash your hands and wear your masks always!). As a result of my falling ill, this post is twice as big as the usual (a real “my affliction’s double feature?” …no, that joke was the worst.) Anyway, this update’s going to be rather large, so buckle up, friends :DDDDDDDDD]
Backstreet’s back!

Credit to Ludo (@LudoDoodle) for this image.
We also have a finished Rocky sheet. (Final art by L. Frostad)
And the lovely Miss Ivy to boot!

The boards are finished! The age of character designs has passed!
Long live the animators!
Our crew is hard at work practicing every character they get their grubby little paws on as the sheets filter in. Let’s have a look at some of what ended up in our practice pile.
Speaking of being thirsty for Mordecai…
For all you Wick and Zib fans, don’t feel blue. Here’s a little something for you, too.
And let’s also not forget in the tireless work of our incredible vehicle modeller, Newt.
Behold the latest shading test on the cars.
Look. I know you’ve seen cars in previous posts. I live in L.A. I get it. Sometimes I see weirdly antiquated cars driving down the street. Old-timey cars are just old hat, I guess?
But then you haven’t seen this absolute monster. Nothing says 1920s to me like antique industrial machinery!
Next, feast your eyes on these GORGEOUS layout illustrations in and around the Little Daisy Cafe.
Last but not least, we spent the entire week finishing all the voice acting!
Done in one, baby!
For nondisclosure reasons (no spoilers!), I cannot share with you every voice clip. As a consolation, here is Fable’s artistic representation of how it felt after supervising a 6-hour voice recording session with Michael Kovach (Rocky).

We also have a video featuring the voice cast just goofing off. Included in the video is all these fine people:
Serafine – Benni Latham –
Wick – Bradley Gareth –
Zib – Valentine Stokes –
Nicodeme – Malcolm Ray –
Rocky – Michael Kovach –
Ivy – Lisa Reimold –
Freckle – Belshaber Rusape –
Mitzi – Ashe Wagner –
Viktor – Jason Marnocha –
and crew artist KazoodleKat! –
Maybe you already saw the “Voice Cast Clownery?” upload the week before? Well, give it another watch. My stomach is still hurting from laughing at the Scarface edit.
Okay. So, you’ve been following along all this time. You think you’re a big Lackadaisy fan? Maybe even a huge animation nerd? Want to hear all about what’s going on under the hood? Then meet me downstairs, friend, where we got the real good stuff. Genuine artist tears.
Presenting “Lackadaisy Shop Talk” with Tracy Butler, Fable Siegel, and special guest Ashley Nichols, creator of Hell Puppy. They talk about everything from production woes to regular woes to…. well, crying over art, mostly. What can I say? Also, they answer fan questions (neat)!
And that’s actually the long and short of what we’ve done these last two weeks. Really kicking into high gear on every aspect of the project.
But don’t forget, dear reader, the humble donation jar.
In spite of all the progress we’ve made (thanks to our amazing crew and even more amazing fans), we are still holding out our collective hat to reach our last stretch goal, a music video featuring Sepiatonic.
Alas, I’m afraid that’s all for our devlog update double feature… until next week when we build a creature?
Abyssinia! :3