Mrs. Bapka’s Turn
Somebody informed Mrs. Bapka I was sick and needed Lackadaisy art to get better. I’ve actually been feeling healthy for a week now, but I love seeing all the cool stuff the fans do.
That’s lovely. You have another video for me?
Uhhhh… I don’t think… That’s… Let’s try the pictures. You have pictures? The… uh, kresba? Yes!
I think that sent me back to teetering over the void. Do we have any production shots instead? There has to be something I’m allowed to show everyone. I mean, it’s a little rough, but thank you, Mrs. Bapka. You’re on your way to taking my job at this point.
I can’t see Rocky, though. Do you have any progress shots with Rocky?

What… is that? Where did you find this? Here? It came from our cleanup crew? Lord, give me strength.
No, no. That’s… that’s YouTube. If there was an animation update there, I think I would have known about…
Dang, that’s a good update. Are we going to have to hire Mrs. Bapka full-time? Maybe if we can reach our goal for the music video donations, we can start a Bapka-tier stretch goal.
Okay. I’m not actually in a position to promise that. However, if we meet this last stretch goal for the music video, I can do my part to campaign for a Mrs. Bapka-related reward or piece of art or something. Bapka art? Bapka voice overs? Bapka merchandise?
…I don’t know. What do you think, Mrs. Bapka? Oh? I would love a sandwich. Thank you so much!